Lillian didn't like to take food from me. I was for liquid food, you see.
I have a friend whose daughter is exactly the same. She just eyes her mother like she's lost her mind when she offers her solids. Mommy=milkbar.
I want to hang out with Miracleman. I'll bring my old copies of Grendel. We'll have beers and watch the kids chase each other around.
Oh dear LOWARD
I have to go outside and let my office air out - this tenant stank so badly.
I mean fuck. Can people just NOT smell themselves????
I want to hang out with Miracleman. I'll bring my old copies of Grendel. We'll have beers and watch the kids chase each other around.
THAT? Would be the most awesomest thing ever ever ever.
I have most of the Grendels from the Christine Spar through the end of Orion Assante run, but not all of them.
Kristin, if you're around, insent.
I have those--I think all of them. It's been awhile since I've gone through them. I have the redone Devil by the Deed AND the Batman/Grendel crossover, though. So. Delicious.
I have NEVER READ "Devil by the Deed". I have both Grendel/Batman crossovers, though.
Someone, please, tell me it's normal.
My friend's girl twin, who is 17 months tomorrow, just started eating people (ie, not mushy baby) food. Her brother has been eating it for at least a few months no problem. When you'd give her something solid she might lick it or gnaw on it a bit but if she got any near her gullet she'd act like she was choking. Scary. But also kind of funny. Now her thing is that she REALLY wants to feed herself so she'll do that clamped mouth, shaking head thing until you give her the spoon.
Man, I took pictures of them while I was feeding them the other day that are hysterical! I let them get waaaaaaay messier then fastidious Mummy would let them get.
I mean fuck. Can people just NOT smell themselves????
Dude. I had to change treadmills yesterday because this one dude stank like he had been living on the streets for a month. It's the gym, I'm not expecting people to smell like roses (I sure as hell don't), but when you smell like you haven't showered in weeks BEFORE you start working out? There's a problem.
Miracleman and Aimee, insent.
I mean fuck. Can people just NOT smell themselves????
Well, once the stench gets past a certain point, no. Doesn't your nose just get fatigued after it's smelled the same thing too strongly for too long, and decide to ignore the smell from here on out? Possibly you should carry one of those little jars of coffee beans that they have in places like Lush, so the offender's nose can restart.
Thanks for all the reassurances. I feel much less worried.
My mother's response was to set me on newspapers and let me self feed.
That is awesome, and I think I need to give it a try. I don't suppose your mother took any pictures, did she? The resultant cute might kill us all, but I think we'd be willing to take the chance.