I think Jonathan Kozol and Amy Tan are rumored speakers.
Hee. Amy Tan came to speak at my school last year (I know, I know...as a friend said, if I keep changing private schools in LA, eventually my students are going to be entirely made of gold), and she was seriously the best speaker I have ever heard. She was mesmerizing. I've heard that she's not always as good as that, but she certainly was then.
I would **love** to hear Kozol speak. I respect him so much.
I'll ask him about it Tuesday and get back atcha.
Yes, please! I need to put in for the PD money if I'm going to pursue this. Squee! I'm so excited!
Oops. Double posted while squeeing.
Check out Natter. I think I used up the whole 10,000 posts double posting earlier.
I heard Jonathan Kozol speak at a book signing in DC a few years ago, when Shame of the Nation had just come out, and he was incredible.
I'd really like to see him speak.
So glad things are going better for you! Go Team!
(I am 35 -- quelle WTF?!).
OMG, I so hear you. I mean, I'm 34, but - yeah. And this evening while I was out with colleagues getting moderately wellied down the Kao San Road, one of them told me that I looked really good for my age. Which she totally meant as a compliment (she explained that she'd have assumed I was in my 20s), and I took it as such, but it was still a bit of a gobsmacker that I can possibly be old enough for anyone to say such a thing.
I prefer "You don't LOOK that old!" which leaves me at once complimented and kinda freaked at the "O" word.
35!? That's insane! When did THAT happen?
I've had people argue with me and say I couldn't possibly...which I suppose would be a compliment if I had, like, this whole regimen that I was madly devoted to, but I don't, so I feel funny accepting it for my ancestors or something.
Hey Erin , Glad to see your pixels back
Ugh one time this guy wouldn't let me buy cigarettes, that weren't even for me! Because he swore I wasn't 18. He wouldn't even look at my ID. I was 24 at the time.