Stepping out of Bitches Lurkdom to tell JZ to listen to her instincts. My soon-to-be-BIL didn't, and moved him and my sis from Vegas to LA for a job that didn't work out at all.
It did work out for him, though, but only because his old Vegas job decided after he left to recategorize the position, boosting the salary up $20K, and then when he contacted his old boss to see if they still had an opening if he wanted to come back, they fell all over themselves to get him back, even at the higher salary. But, that was pure luck for him, and he could easily have been left with a squirrely boss in LA and paranoid city HR people who made him sign his life away before letting him start work.
IOW, make sure you pay attention to what your gut's telling you.
Thanks so much for the validation and all the stories of woe and otherwise. I've just been emailing with the recruiter from Job #1 about why I didn't get it and what about it made me want it so badly, and she just emailed me with another interview for another company next Tuesday.
Breathing now.
Also, I'm feeling sloppy with love for the wisdom and experience of the hivemind.
JZ, I TOTALLY agree with what everyone else has said. Don't put yourself in a miserable position. Stay in the miserable position for a bit longer, and I know you're gonna find the perfect job soon. I just know it.
jz--trust your gut. I have great respect for it--not only does it belong to you, it produced Matilda!
ETA: wrong initials! Whoops! gut has not yet produced a Matilda :)
I've decided that Owen needs these. And Liv needs these.
Yes. Yes, they do, Cashmere!
Those are adorable, Cash.
Annabel is going to be a pirate for Halloween. I'm trying to choose between:
This, and so what if it's supposed to be for a boy?
A girlier look
this simple one
or this
I like the first one, Susan.
Annabel is going to be a pirate for Halloween.
I like the girlier one.
The third one looks like someone couldn't decide between Legolas and Will Turner.