At least I'm not the IT guys - who had to send out an email this morning asking people to make sure their computers were plugged in and that there was enough toner in their printers before they called tech support and said "my computer is broken."
But....if someone's computer is unplugged, they wouldn't *get* the e-mail and would therefore call tech support!
My brain hurts.
they wouldn't *get* the e-mail
truth. like I said. At least I'm not the IT guys.
Though I think they're hoping some cubicle consulting will patch that bug.
My computer is unplugged right now! What should I do?!?
We just got the keys to our apartment!!!
Destruction and restruction will begin in earnest tomorrow!
dons kilt and blue body paint, grabs broadsword
Congrats, Miracleborns!!!
Yay, freedom! Best of luck with the new place!
Hooray for Miracle Mansion! Or, you know, apartment.
We just got the keys to our apartment!!!
Can I come over? Say, two weeks? We'll hang and paint stuff.