Debet, glad to hear you will be enjoying new kitties, one way or another.
Our house is still chaotic with our new addition.
ION in a shift of gears from my horror work of late, I'm working on
A Little Night Music
tonight. I need to knock out the sound effects for the show. Thankfully there are only about 7 of them in the whole show.
New kitties! I have no opinion on where to get them, though.
Also, another semester, another round of bureaucratic weirdness. First, an email from the head of my department:
Dear Gang,
Someone posted a cartoon at the entrance to the main office early this morning. I am assuming there was no slur intended but such anonymous actions are always open to other interpretations. If it was one of you who taped it to the glass, please refrain from doing this in the future. If it was none of you then I have to give this a sinister interpretation.
Also, in each of our mailboxes today was a box of whiteboard markers and a memo that took an entire single-spaced page to say, "Here are some markers. Use them when you're teaching."
Hil, are you feeling better?
Hil, are you feeling better?
I am, thanks. It hasn't totally passed, but it's pretty much over. Tomorrow, either I find that prescription bottle or I go to the doctor to get a new one.
I'm done playing with tubes. Sad now. Any vermin in the vicinity better stay well hidden or they are going for a ride. Mwah hah hah!
Why am I just now finishing watching Friday the 13th Part 7?
Dennis is playing a video game where a puppy follows him around and the puppy keeps getting hurt and yelping and falling down. I hate it!
Has anyone else heard about these two guys the FBI is looking for who were taking photographs on ferries?
Okay, I'm off to bed, I've got a meeting at Universal Studios in the morning.
Have fun storming the castle!