Ugh. That job DH has been interviewing for is looking less likely, not because they don't like him, but because they finally came up with a job description today, and it's a bit less big picture than we'd initially thought. My first reaction on seeing it was, "I don't see how that pays more than his current job." They started talking money today, and it turns out my instincts were right--they're going to see what they can do, but he's out of the price range they'd expected.
Sigh. I liked this so much better when I thought this was the job that would make him happier AND give him a raise that would solve our financial problems in the next 2-3 years. I hope we get a break one of these days, because at this point it really is trying to make up for mistakes we made years and years ago and have learned our lessons from. We just need a bigger ladder to get us out of this hole so we can start thinking about home-buying and Annabel's college and my dream trip to Europe in 2015 (Waterloo bicentennial--I'm nothing if not predictable).