So, teachers - how was the first day back?
I keep wandering around and being confused by the whole "education" thing today. Good thing the kids don't arrive until Thursday. I am already tired of meetings, however. Not good given I have two more days of them after today.
Mine was nice - my class seem like a nice little bunch, and I'm trying Very Hard not to compare them to my last lot.
I am certain that you will be just as enamored of them as you were with the last group. There's always something new to love!
ION, I have broken my personal "no at school this year" rule after only four hours of being back. Well done, me!
Speaking of back to school, today is my nephew's first day of middle school! Does anyone have any ideas on a cool back to school gift for a kid starting 6th grade?
My engagement ring is a star ruby. Set in silver ivy leaves and nestled next to a small skull, so no one can ever really tell it's the engagement ring.
sj, does he have an ipod or laptop? He might like itunes gift certificates. OR a gift card for his favorite pizza place? I always liked cool markers and notebooks but I'm not sure if that's a girl-thing. Or, how about movie tickets?
sj, does he have an ipod or laptop? He might like itunes gift certificates. OR a gift card for his favorite pizza place? I always liked cool markers and notebooks but I'm not sure if that's a girl-thing. Or, how about movie tickets?
Good ideas. I don't think he has an iPod or a laptop. I'll have to ask T. Movie tickets might be good. I always took him to the movies when he lived here. I usually would get him pencils, notebooks, markers, etc., but I am not sure if he is at the right age to think that's cool anymore.
jilli - your ring sounds both lovely and original.
Oooh, my Moo mini cards came in today! I got 100 cards with pictures of the kids on them and my name/email/mobile phone on them.
I'm hoping they're useful for parent-networking. Plus, they're cute!
I saw something on TV recently that a local woman is making "tottoos" - stickers you put on your kids' hands and it says "if lost please call" and a place to write your phone number. It's seemingly useful for when you have a bunch of young children going someplace - like a field trip - and someone wanders a bit.
Plus, they're cute!
Heh. Cool. I've still not fallen to the moo. My idea is considerably less useful, but that doesn't mean they can't be infinitely amusing.
In other news, Gonzales has resigned as attorney general. If it hasn't been posted.