Pete, if your listening, I'm almost done with Ch 4 of GoW. I'm calling it quits for now. The pacifist in me can only take so much blood n guts. But I made a fair amount of progress.
Good to see you've gotten the hang of it.
Just a week until we meet on the field of battle again.
Hopefully I can find a little time to play this week so that I can be a bit better.
This week is a bit crazed though. A Little Night Music is loading in down in Costa Mesa. I need to finishing the system designs for the haunted houses (Freddy's Nightmare, Camp Crystal Lake, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and The Terror Tram). I also need to make a dent in the media for those mazes so that I've got some of that at least rolling. I know that I'll need a few breaks so hopefully I can make GoW some of those. I also need to finish watching all these horror movies.
ND, would you like to practice RIGHT NOW?
I think Omnis is still on Live too.
No, I can't right now, I've actually got the groundplans for Camp Crystal Lake spread out next to me and I'm working through speaker assigns on that.
Woot! I just won a Cataan withOUT either longest road OR largest army, and only (1) Victory card. :: whew ::
doubt that will ever happen again.
Did I hear GoW? Gosh, if it's just me and Pete, my head has no CHANCE of staying on.
Can anyone tell me why I'm watching Grease II?
cause you need a Cool Rider? or maybe you wanna score tonight?
wait. WAIT! WAIT!
So your saying, if I watch Grease II, I could score?!?!
:: scrambles to find a copy of Grease II ::
Looks like my Uncle is home from the camping trip. He's forwarding e-mail jokes. I guess that's a good sign.