Good morning all.
~ma to all that needs it.
I'm here to mention a posting by a former Weekly World News writer, lamenting the demise of the publication. [link]
From the article:
I once pitched a story positing that the U.S. government had data confirming that the one commonality linking all mass killers, including the Columbine shooters, was that they never masturbated. Rather than issue this report, which would save lives but promote onanism, the government preferred to let occasional slaughters take place. My editor rejected it on the grounds that it was "too plausible."
Now I want to see the "god kills a kitten" image with "sponsored by the US Government" stamped on the bottom... Hmmm.
{{{Omnis Audis}}} {{{Laura}}}
train~ma for Sox.
The gronk she is mighty. It is past noon, I have been up for about an hour, and I want to go back to bed.
I am sorely tempted to create a sock pupped with the user name "Entropy".
That is all.
Oh, Laura! Bob? He was a cool guy. Much love to y'all.
I'm supposed to be taping a game show on Tuesday. Along with a long list of clothes I can't wear which pretty much rules out my entire wardrobe I have received these instructions,
"Women: We know that some women do not wear make-up. However, when you appear on camera it is absolutely necessary for women to wear base, some blush, lipstick and mascara. We will only be providing touch-ups. Please arrive made-up."
OK I own some foundation and some lipstick. These are things I wear for very special occasions, like weddings. I might be able to dig up some eye shadow. I haven't worn mascara since high school and I'd have it on for five minutes before I rubbed my eyes and smeared it all over. The last time I tried to wear blush I put on too much and looked like a clown. I'm going to call the talent coordinator tomorrow and ask if just foundation and lipstick would be acceptable but what if she says no? Is there really such a thing as smudge-proof mascara? Should I go get made up at a salon Monday night and sleep on my back? Honestly when I got the instuctions my first impulse was to cancel but it would be super sweet if I won a little money. Any makeup advice would be greatly appreciated.
Is there really such a thing as smudge-proof mascara?
Yes, well, at least significantly less smudgy
Should I go get made up at a salon Monday night and sleep on my back?
Do you know anyone who wears makeup regularly who can go shopping with you today or tomorrow? If you haven't developed an eye for the colors, you probably want some help with that. The people at the cosmetics counter could do it for you, but you'll be spending a good bit of money in that case.
Do you know anyone who wears makeup regularly
who can go shopping with you today or tomorrow?
probably not.
If I'm going to end up at a cosmetics counter, is there one in particular that might be more helpful for the makeup challenged?
laga, I think I went to a Sephora store and got made up for free. I was resigned to buying product, but the person who helped me told me I could bring back any unused product and just say I didn't like it for a refund. I asked if I needed to buy the product at all in that case, and was told No.
Laga, don't go to a MAC counter. While MAC is my One True Cosmetic Company, they are not a place for a makeup novice to go for a makeover. They don't really do "natural".
Laga, I can help you with makeup, but you're right that today and tomorrow are tight. If you have time later, you could come up (and meet the kitten--bonus), and we could find you simple makeup and teach you how to use it. I already have plans with another friend, but I can call her and ask if she would mind adding a makeup expedition to the day.
Tomorrow is a no go, I'm afraid. First day of school (for teachers), and I have to stay there for an evening BBQ as well.