I'm so sorry for your loss, Laura.
I've had an ordinary day. Shopping, library run, cleaning house because MIL is coming on Tuesday, brief cameo at a friend's party, battling self-doubt demon. (Today's edition is the "You're a sucky writer who'll never be published" demon--I grumbled a little in GWW just now.) Overall, an OK day, though.
Love the Matilda story!
Laura, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Happy Anniversary Jessica and Fone Bone! I hope you had a great one.
vw is evil. We were at her place for dinner, and she made these cookies for dessert out of candy bars. I had a peppermint patty one and another that was all caramelly and chocolate. They were too delicious for words; there's no way they were made without evil. She also maded us a delicious dinner and gave me the best prezzie. I, of course forgot her present here. It was a great night; thanks again, vw!
there's no way they were made without evil.
Damn! You gave away my secret ingredient!
TCG was just mentioning how talented and creative you are. He was really impressed by the quilts you showed us and the cookies.
ION, "Baby Got Back" is the best housework song ever.
Awww...well, you tell him what a big sweetie he is! I was afraid I was boring him to death when I showed off the quilts!
Ok...of to bed. Night all!
the universe bends in weird ways.
Woke up gronky (as mentioned earlier). Lolled around. Got up to go to a party. Got to the car, drove a few blocks, when my guts screamed for me to return home. So I resigned myself to not going to the party with stomach in said state.
A few hours after said resignation, my land line rings. It's never for me, so I answer hesitantly, expecting a hang up, or telemarketer. Alas, it's my uncles' step-daughter. It seems my Aunt passed away yesterday of a heart attack. I wonder if that was who called at early am today and not left a message. As strange as this sounds, kinda glad my stomach got the wonkies, or I wouldn't have gotten that message in a timely manner.
I called my mom, to tell that her brother has gone walkabout in the woods (thankfully with friends), and to expect an unusual week. Tomorrow I'll be calling around trying to get details.
Not that these things ever happen at a good time, but... this week is REALLY bad for me.
ION, "Baby Got Back" is the best housework song ever.
This is a universal truth.
Peace~ma for your whole family, omnis.