Can't she just, well, look down? Unless she's coloring bottoms to match tops.
Eh, my body hair isn't remotely the same shade as my natural real hair. Humans are weird.
Gronklies. Please to save me from killing my boss, who is making craxy Burning Man-related demands. I hate Burning Man, and wish they were all out on the playa already.
Today is a little better. I'm still a little peeved, but there's no shunning today.
juliana! I turned in the specs for your hat last night. J wasn't there, but I left it with her coworker.
Went to my hairdresser's loft last night and was petted and cooed over and plied with wine which made me feel better. Then we went to see the video DJ at The Cavern. He played some stuff I hadn't heard of including a video for some house music that had handlebar mustaches flying around and making people gay. Also- Kool and the Gang! Made of awesome!
He really prefers pink clothes or nudity.
Emmett went through a pretty long phase of liking fingernail polish. Lasted all the way to first grade and his first round of playground taunting.
Emmett's nudie phase came relatively late. Like...last year. He'd run up and down the hall in the buff yelling "Nudie Boy!" before I put him in the tub.
Now he takes showers and skips the streaking.
He'd run up and down the hall in the buff yelling "Nudie Boy!" before I put him in the tub.
He'd fit in at Burning Man.
Emmett's nudie phase came relatively late. Like...last year. He'd run up and down the hall in the buff yelling "Nudie Boy!" before I put him in the tub.
Emmett went through a pretty long phase of liking fingernail polish. Lasted all the way to first grade and his first round of playground taunting.
I let Owen pick out what he wants to wear as long as it's weather-appropriate. I dread him getting teased but he seems pretty free of any sort of societal pressure right now.
Emmett went through a pretty long phase of liking fingernail polish. Lasted all the way to first grade and his first round of playground taunting.
Somewhere Mr. Jane is weeping and he doesn't know why.
Somewhere Mr. Jane is weeping and he doesn't know why.
At almost-eleven, Emmett is definitely at the age of strict gender boundaries. I expect it'll loosen up in the later teen years but right now only rock stars get to wear eyeliner. (In his view.)
Oh, I'm sure at 11 Mr. Jane thought the same thing.
Philly mini-f2f! I think d is still hiking back up the hill (sorry d!) but yay - phun! [link]
ps - self portraits is hard. we need more people ...
My friend painted a picture (Shag style) of her family before she had babies and while their dogs were alive plus the monkey they always thought they should have.
That's a lovely picture!
I gather that 'shag' has a meaning in this context other than 'have sex with', 'kind of carpet' or 'kind of dance'? Could anyone enlighten me, or shall I google?