My boss (who is the Big!Boss for everyone here) just came by and said I have to take the candy off of my desk. Mind, I'm isolated-ish, and so the candy was kind of a ploy to get people to come visit and socialize (and then go away again quickly). But bosslady said she's gained 7 pounds since I joined the company, and so the candy needs to go. I'm afraid I was... not curt, but kind of "...and?" once she'd laid out her position. I don't need the explaining, just get to the fucking point and let me get rid of the offending crap. Which probably translated as hurt and bitchy. But - if there's criticism, I'll listen to it, ask for clarification if need be, and then I never want to talk about it again. I don't want to rehash it, I don't want to have it brought up again, I just want to correct it as quickly as possible and leave it. Otherwise, I get upset with myself for screwing up.
Which I probably need to tell bosslady. Sigh. People are hard. I need a drink.
starblazers. speed racer. and the bugaboos. the last could drive my mother from the house.
later, the first time I watched Harold and Maude, my mom caught a glimpse and also ran away
But bosslady said she's gained 7 pounds since I joined the company, and so the candy needs to go.
Um, or maybe that's her problem and she needs to STFU.
maybe that's her problem and she needs to STFU.
I think this as well, but she does own the company, and we are in the business of being in the public eye. So, what she says, goes. Literally, in this case.
juliana--she's gained 7lbs. and she's blaming your candy? WTF?
J - what a doofus. She needs to shut her candy hole.
Um, or maybe that's her problem and she needs to STFU.
I vote for this
Okay when we were in Vegas we went to this Bavarian restaurant / beer hall place and they had a full-on Bavarian band playing and they did a cover of The A Team theme.
I've been there! There was no band, but there was lots and lots of beer.
juliana, that is the lamest thing ever.
Oh Airwolf. I loved Airwolf, I thought it was
much better than Knight Rider. Just an unholy love for that show. There was another show I loved that I know my dad hated, I can't remember the title but it was about a father and his sons who did search and rescue in the mountains.