OMG, Seamus is so cute - you clearly HAD to take him home - reisistance was futile.
This is so very true. Poor little guy is crying his head off in his room right now. We went in and spent time with him already this morning, but he just wants to be with humans all. the. time. His kitty flu seems a bit better today, and I've already given him his antibiotic. He took that pretty well. Not so sure how the (very sharp) nail trimming is going to go.
ETA: Ack! Sparky, I hope everything's okay. Also, I'm totally amused by your DH.
I'm assuming that everything will be okay until I hear otherwise -- she does have some family around there, although I can't quite remember which relatives. (My DH's family tends not to be helpful in these situations -- it's not that they don't want to help, but they just can't seem to get organized to actually help. They talk about helping a lot.) However, in an effort to find out what's going on I just shot an email off to my DH's aunt with questions about how she's doing.
Oh, that's good. Encephalitis is not fun and can have a long recovery.
wrt Seamus I do understand the naming of cats. It's not so much a choice as a discovery.
Happy Birthday to the witty, flirty, spicy, passionate and totally disarmingly wonderful Fay!
GC, I love your shoe posts. Such a fun way to start the week! My shoes are standard maryjanes, but I AM wearing turquoise socks with a charming pattern of black skull-and-crossbones inside white hearts.
From past experience I know that health information can be very difficult to wrangle out of them. They're not specific about things, so you end up in a circle of: How are you feeling? Terrible! I'm sorry to hear that, what's wrong? I feel terrible! etc.
They never spit out a diagnosis or actual symptoms. I, being the daughter of a nurse who was not scared of doctors, am more used to specificity of symptoms/dx/rx.
Can I have your calzone?
You've just blown your chance at plausible deniability.
You've just blown your chance at plausible deniability.
My denials have never been plausible anyway.
"I was dead at the time! I was on the moon! With Steve!"
Thing that made me laugh today:
Useful flowchart.