YELLING. In the quiet zone.
Oh geez. BUT! Maybe the chimps spit at her for it.
It may be as far as this goes, but hey. It's a date.
You never know, it could be a great beginning. And if not, it's still *a* beginning to getting back out there in the dating game. Either way, I'm happy for you, bug.
I've managed to drag a straightening iron through my hair and put on a little make-up. Pets are being fed now and pretty soon I'll get to work on picking out some clothes.
For me, that is. Not the pets. Putting clothes on them would result in my needing, at the very least, a blood transfusion.
Georgetown Running, as I recall. It's on M right near the bridge
I'll check it out.
And, are a goddess. The tutorial is hugely helpful and I'm inspired by your experience.
Hence forth, I shall be known as tootsmummy.
(See what I did there? A compound word including a euphemism for feet and the effect of thorough wrapping. Fear me.)
Jeez, I'm so tired, I think my brain has melted into my pa-ainful feet.
Sorry about the Fixed Noise, all of y'all that have it afflicted upon you. My brother used to make me watch Hannity &colmes but I don't know what he sees in makes me want to throw shit. But it might not be ideology--Hardball does too. Ha!
Maybe because they don't have Oddball.
Fun picture from the shower today: [link]
(check out the fabulous floral arrangement too!)
VW! Woot! good for you. I'm with you. Starting to date. Had a few this month. Non all that great, sad to say. But good to get out there. More likely to find a mate on a date than sitting on your rump in your home, ya? Well, that's the attitude I'm trying to take.
As for the fox news stuff. From the "RAW DATA" section of Playboy:
On a quiz designed to test TV watchers' knowledge of current events: 54% of DAILY SHOW and COLVERT REPORT viewers passed by answering at least two-thirds of the questions correctly. 35% of Fox news watchers did the same.
See, there actually is stuff to read in Playboy. Not just for pretty pictures.
vw, I dunno what's funnier, the expression on your brother's face, or the shirt he's wearing.
vw, the shower is great! Love the cake! And, yay on dating for both you and omnis (obviously not the two of you dating each other, but rather just dating in general). I'm trying that myself. Had a date on Wednesday. It was meh, but at least I tried.