Oooh, file bloody mary sounds yum.
There's okra gumbo and there's file gumbo and there are purists who will say that either is an abomination. A schism, I suppose. I am on the side of the file, but I recognize the okra-ers right to make soup in the way they choose.
Most of friends probably make it with both, like Daisy. I don't make it at all, because it is both easier and tastier to have theirs.
I don't have any Godiva liqueur, but I do have Three Olives chocolate vodka and Bailey's. Might be time to experiment.
O the conversations we have in theater. Apparently they don't know the word Clacker either. I guess that's more of an Australian usage.
:: sigh ::
ION, in 45 minutes it's review time. Me, my boss, and one of my employees. Should be fun. I hate reviews, whether it's mine or someone else. Folks don't understand constructive criticism.
Who am I kidding, I just don't like meetings in general.
yay ~T on the home and keys! ::happydance::
OK, nuff of food talk, please. Just found out I gotta work late tonight to record rehearsal piano pieces for choreographer. stomach growlie already, and the apple in the bag won't hold off the demon belly monster for too long. (as if I could stop you guys from talking yummies)
In both gumbo and bloody marys, it's sprinked on the top at the end. There's lots of things that make his the best, but that's one of my favorites.
I've never had a bloody mary, and you're making me want one.
c'mon zen, I haven't had one either. I think after this meeting I'll need two. First round on me. It has fruit juice, no? So that makes it healthy!
It has Vodka (preferrably Monopolova), tomato juice, clam juice, olive juice, pepper, hot sauce (Louisiana Crystal is our fave), celery salt, squeezed lemon juice (go ahead and throw em in), and file. Garnish with either/and pickled green beans, celery, olives.
Can Mr. Jane just ship me a gallon or two periodically? That sounds loverly.
::adds to list of Reasons to Visit Dallas::
Oh, wow, that sounds good.
Okay, I grabbed a first class upgrade for my flight home, and it looks like it is on time, so hopefully this will be a good trip.
Had my yearly review. Only got a 3% raise, but we are in a belt-tightening phase, so it's more than I expected. Apprently I am awesome and they love me. Go figure.