Quinoa, WindSparrow! It's yummy hot or cold!
Suzi, v. sorry about the job, that would've been awesome. Any other fabulous opportunities out there? Espeically if your boss is supportive, that would kick ass.
I have a schedule for Seattle! Yay. And my bosses have all said "yes, of course we'll be references". Whew. Now I have to fill out an application, and figure out my salary, and make a pretty reference list, etc etc. Oy.
But DJ I think that particular article is trying to say they aren't. Or rather that there are just as many women sexing up as men. It all follows the American Pie Rule of Three.
Ah. Read it now. That first paragraph is just like a big button pushy thing for a bunch of my buttons.
I worked damn hard for the A in stats I got, and I do make that assumption. Actually it is more of an assumption that anyone using the median would specify that is what they are using, because after all, most people _do_ assume average=mean. Unless of course they are trying to be deceptive.
I tend to make that assumption too, but in some cases I question if they're using the mean or the median, like in stories about "average" income. So if you have a bar full of working-class people and Bill Gates walks in, if you're talking about the average income of people in the bar it might make more sense to look at the median, as Bill will really skew the mean average....
Anyway, the first study did say they were using the median, so the math professor missed that little tidbit....
seconding meara ! Quinoa is great, in it's natural form it's used like rice (and found in the bulk section of health food stores) but it's also made into flakes and flour and there's one brand that makes quinoa pasta.
Suzi, v. sorry about the job, that would've been awesome. Any other fabulous opportunities out there? Espeically if your boss is supportive, that would kick ass.
Thanks. The good was that my supervisor talked to Big Boss about this and Big Boss's response was that the lost job would have initially been a stretch, but after that, I would have been a good fit. That made my day. Ok, the JOB would have really made my day, but knowing that Big Boss has that level of faith in me is VERY NICE.
No other opportunities on the immediate horizon, but I'm getting better about talking to folks and networking. If I haven't found something within the company by the end of the year, I'll start looking outside.
The good was that my supervisor talked to Big Boss about this and Big Boss's response was that the lost job would have initially been a stretch, but after that, I would have been a good fit.
That's so awesome!!!
Pete, I emailed you at your profile address...
meara, did you have dates yet on visiting SF? Not poking, just wondering if I flaked or something.
meara? Within driving distance?
::poke, poke, poke::
Isn't it next weekend? Friday the 24th/Saturday the 25th, when she'll be free?
Yes, P-C has it right, I'm flying in Thursday evening (at 5:10pm) and leaving Saturday at 12:45pm. But I haven't gotten a schedule from them on what'll be involved, so I haven't made plans yet.