Our cats are strictly indoor. It was one of the conditions the shelter insisted on when we adopted Teddy, and he doesn't seem to have missed the outdoors. Probably in part because he was picked up as a stray right after a very serious (by DC standards) cold snap.
Max and Marie were declawed in front before we adopted them, so they'd have even less chance against predators. Max seems to want to wander, but Marie has never had any problems.
We live in suburbia (DC, Western Fairfax) near busy streets, so the risk of cars is added in for us.
I love the idea of being able to let cats out, but I've never lived anywhere where it wasn't too dangerous. Wild animals, diseases,cars, mean people, fleas, ticks, diseases... If I had a fenced-in space that I
the devious little buggers couldn't get out of, then I'd let them out, but otherwise no. I'd worry too much.
Like these. I need these [link]
Growing up on a farm, we had many barn cats but my dad wouldn't let us have cats in the house. The life expectancy of a barn cat is pretty short, as there are numerous ways for them to be killed. So I'm especially paranoid about cats getting outside and something happening to them....
We live in suburbia (DC, Western Fairfax) near busy streets, so the risk of cars is added in for us.
I've seen where Fred Pete lives. Well from the busy street and it is a busy one. Yikes!
Our cat goes in and our. Miss Kitty also knows when it is time for me to go to work, cause she is waiting by the front door. On the weekends she wakes me up, expecting me to open that door at the same time. Silly beast knows how to use the dog door, but will not dignify herself unless...well, unless she feels like it.
Like these. I need these
THOSE are ridiculous in an AWESOME way!!! Have you ever ordered from there?? Are they reliable?
So, ISA (incompetent student assistant) is coming in today. He continues to irritate me by calling me multiple times every morning to see if I want him to come in. What part of "if I want you to come in, I'll call you" does he not understand? Frankly, I don't have anything for him to do, because he's incompetent. I either need to give him excessively simple tasks or things that don't matter.
So, I'm having him type some forms, and make some calls. If it doesn't happen, I'm okay with it.
Growing up we had outdoor cats and almost all of them lived over ten years. Byron is Kristin's beloved cat and he goes outdoors and is 13 and in amazing health. Some cats are not interested in going out and if the new kittens had been like that they never would have gone out. However some cats, like Sweeney who I had for years, went bugshit crazy cooped up, even in a large house. He did vanish on the young side but he was so happy all of his life. If he had been indoors he might have lived longer but that would not have been a happy cat.
THOSE are ridiculous in an AWESOME way!!! Have you ever ordered from there?? Are they reliable?
A girl from L's work orders from there. She had the cute red patend leather peep toes with the buckle. She's how I found them. We were comparing shoes at Happy Hour on Friday.
unfortunately, the only ones I liked were in size 6-7. feh.