A sensible compromise, Kristin.
Um, can you only get rabies from bites or can scratches also spread it? I just got totally scratched from the stray cat here on the grounds at work. I thought he'd gotten friendly since people have been feeding him so I put my hand out. He got me really good on two fingers. Bloody mess.
Damn, DJ beat me to the sexy shoes. She could work them better anyway.
Eep, GC, I wouldn't worry too much about rabies, but cat scratches can be nasty for other infections. Maybe clean it with alcohol and wrap it? Keep an eye on it in case infection sets in?
Yeah, that's what I figured. I washed my fingers well, put Neosporin on them, and then a couple of bandaids. I've tried calling to the cat before and he usually stays away and meows at you. This time he walked toward me meowing and looking friendly. I gently reached out to pet him and then WHACK - HISS! Dude! You couldn't have hissed first? I'd have removed the hand right quick, I swear!
Yes, the x-post was mighty amusing.
I think Pete just broke the husband-points-o-meter.
I try. Or is it that I'm very trying. Opinion varies.
I think you try to be trying. Oh wait, that's ND. He's an expert.
Good thing you're both really adorable.
GC it is possible to get rabies from a scratch but it's very, very, super, extremely rare because you'd still have to get saliva or brains or other infectious material from the rabid animal into the scratch.
About 10 years ago, I got bitten by a dog. On the same day, the other lawyer in the family was bitten by a dog. I got the dog's info, he didn't. I didn't have to have rabies shots, he did. Nobody got sued.
herewith the reason why there are not more buffistas in Philadelphia:
registering for a driver's license is unbelievably tedious and worthy of sporking.
trying to get tags, ditto.
inspection worse than Maryland (sorry Raq!)
only d seems to have to fortitude so far. Me? I am wavering. waaaavering. and I have 1,000 posts to read.
and some more unpacking.
but it is wonderful to know that you are there. And that Gothic Charm School is getting the props it deserves.
ps. sparky I misses you.
Thanks for the info.
DJ you are totally evil, sharing that shoe link like you did. I want a pair of custom flats and wedges.
Sox! I was just thinking about you! How are you adjusting to the move? How about Iris? What's your new place and new neighborhood like?