Susan, I created a private calendar and added you (using your gmail address). If you go to your calendars, can you see it?
Yes, I can. Cool. Which reminded me that I can access a calendar from my gmail address, allowing me to have a personal-personal calendar and a work-personal calendar.
Thanks! I'm feeling better. Still a bit cranky, but better.
Remember the woman who raced her minivan to try to beat the freight train?
Ugh. That still makes my stomach churn and chops my heart into little bits.
To offset it a bit, here's a much more amazing and hopeful story from the same paper.
Google Calendar and Documents are still a bit clonky, IMHO, but I like the potential. I hope they smooth out the process.
Happy Birthday, Trudy. May it be a good one.
That's a very charming story, JZ.
Me, I have a hate-on for ERs right now because I have the same headache that made me leave work early yesterday and seek painkillers stronger than the ones I had at home. It was a waste of my time and an even bigger one of Polgara's. The only possibly good outcomes involve me remembering to record the number of the taxi company and me remembering in the heat of the non-moment to email my GP and get more explicit ER protocol instructions down in my file.
For the actual pain, I got no ideas and just want to go back home.
Instead, I reconcile databases.
Google Calendar and Documents are still a bit clonky, IMHO, but I like the potential. I hope they smooth out the process.
I love Google Documents, probably because I've been using it longer and am more used to the clunkiness. DH and I use it for things like grocery lists, and I even use it to back up my manuscripts--I just cut and paste the whole thing into a document file.
jz, thanks you for that link -- that's really interesting.
ita, I forgot to say that I'm sorry you are still having to deal with all this horrible bullshit from ER doctors. Sorry, and boggled -- your regular MD wrote out such extensive and specific instructions, there just shouldn't be any damn question about following them. No nonsense about drug addiction, no waffling about needing to talk to someone else who isn't either you or your regular MD, no nothing but giving you the treatment that's been prescribed, as written.
Fuckers. Dealing with the pain is more than enough; you shouldn't have to deal with this nonsense, all over again, every single visit.
I got a good review from blogcritics!
Happy (Fucking) Birthday, Trudy!!!
email my GP and get more explicit ER protocol instructions down in my file.
ita, can you call your GP before going to the ER, so that he/she can communicate directly with the ER staff and tell them to NOT fuck around with you?
I love this from that review - it's funny cause it's true:
The only bad thing about this book is that I found myself laughing out loud a lot, and in public. There should definitely be a warning label on Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?: True Adventures in Cult Fandom that reads: "Beware: reading this book in public could cause people to stare at you - and not in a good way."