And The Bride Wore...
While preparing for her own wedding, a dear friend stumbled upon examples of strange, odd, and unflattering wedding accessories. She kept the strangest of the lot, and I am presenting them here, along with her comments.
OMG, is this the worst but-bow in the history of the universe? [link] It looks like two
Just one word: Cupholders!
Tonight is watch Doctor Who, then sleep. Tomorrow is work at the bookstore, intend to wash dishes, but sleep instead. Sunday is Fooootbaaaalllll!!! And maybe some cleaning.
Oddly enough, maximum fatality seems to occur from falls in the 7 story range.
I wonder how they know this, given that only the (temporarily) living victims are brought to the animal hospital. If the cat is no more, has ceased to be, has expired and gone to meet 'is maker, it doesn't go to the hospital. So it doesn't end up in the data.
Hee--the Onion has two cat-related pictures/captions, including one with a cat in uniform!
What are people doing this weekend?
Maybe ride down to Half Moon Bay. Definitely wash my motorcycle. Hopefully spend time with M. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
I'm sorry the phone doesn't seem to be ringing, Tom, but please to not be wallowing.
This weekend, I need to clean like a mad woman (HOUSEGUESTS YAY), plus make a run to TJs and the grocery store and the flag store and Target and the electronics recycling place.
You didn't, um... cheat, did you?
Look, if you had direct access to a room full of physicists, Sean Carroll, Jennifer Ouellette, and some nobel laureates, you'd be stoked to finally have the opportunity to cheat on physics quizzes.
What are people doing this weekend?
Having lunch with a couple up from New York on Sunday, then finding someplace to watch the Pats game. Tomorrow I think I'll do sweet FA, except maybe try to finally get to HPatOotP and/or Ratatouille.
Tonight? Currently trying to figure out what I'll do for dinner, then home for Doctor Who and playing catchup with my DVR/DVDs.
Other than that, I'll be sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, and feeling sorry about myself.
This is a bad plan.
I'm going to a Braves game tonight. I'm winging the rest of the weekend.
If the cat is no more, has ceased to be, has expired and gone to meet 'is maker, it doesn't go to the hospital. So it doesn't end up in the data.
But Animal Control gets called to clean up the splat, right? Anyway, on Animal Cops they always call up the cops/ASPCA, even if the critter is already dead.
Yes, I just muddied the statistical-counting waters with anecdotal evidence from television. What?