Celebrity gossip:
Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger broke up.
Jude Law was arrested for allegedly attacking a photographer.
Toby Maguire got married.
A new book about Anna Nicole Smith alleges that Stern and Birkhead were lovers and made a deal to split the "profits" from her death.
Celebrity gossip:
Halle Berry is knocked up.
Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger broke up.
oh, that's sad to me. what with the baby and everything. although I have seen the reverse gossip on the other couple w/ kids I always rooted for Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Phillipe (mostly because he's a hometown boy).
Am also sad because I just found out that a couple who are actually friends of mine and not celebrities have separated.
The work fairy just came by and took a crap on my desk.
That Halle Berry baby is going to be really really pretty: the father is a male model.
I found out that my weeknight schedule has abruptly changed from Tues. & Thurs. to Mon. & Wed. A few more days warning would have helped, I think.
Celebrity gossip: Okay, not really gossip...
Leonardo Dicaprio is outside my front window as we speak doing a scene from a film co-starring Russell Crowe (who rumor has it is not in attendance) set in Amsterdam. Eastern Market has never been so orderly or prettily attired.
I can't be bothered to go stand on the tape line to watch. I'll see the movie.
I did NOT enjoy the car blowing up this morning...roughly 100 yards from the aforementioned front window. To many booms and too much exhaust coming in the window from the standby ambulance running outside the front door all. freaking. day. The driver of said ambulance, on the other hand, is very nice. We had a lovely chat about his various movie set experiences.
Beej, I'll send you a check for $1000 if you yell, "ICEBERG!" and pitch an ice cube at Leo's head.
Not original, I know. But it would make me laugh for days.