Once again, I skipped exactly to the right place. With pictures!
That banner was lovely. And the cake! How awesome was the cake? Who was the person who cut it? Did paperdol get a piece with her name on it, or with her praise on it? Did anyone fight over the pieces with the little vamp mouse (um, I would have)?
I thought paperdol looked lovely (which essay did she read, by the way?). I loved the way her face was full of life and expression in the parts of the reading. Oh, and, of course, the flower in her hair.
Thank you so much for taking pictures! And posting them, of course.
I need to be entertained.
Who was the person who cut it?
Polgara, as paperdol was busy doing that author thing with the meeting, and the greeting, and the book signing.
Did paperdol get a piece with her name on it, or with her praise on it?
Hrm. Great questions. I know Kristen got the "by" part.
which essay did she read, by the way?
"Minearest and Dearest." And she handled the Q&A like a pro! She even got one of
those types of questions from a fanboy -- you know, the kind of question that doesn't seem really related to the topic at hand, and leaves you wondering where the question was? She was magnificent in answering it! (I can say that type of thing publicly about the question, right, since it wasn't directed at me?)
I'm looking for a juicer. I currently have a very simple one.
I doubt I'll have much need to juice anything not citrus--so I'm thinking one of the ones where you crush the fruit, but I've never used them. I just hate the method of working with the one I currently have, and that's why lemons keep taking up residence in the back of my fridge.
Any reccomendations?
I need to be entertained.
I need not to develop the post-convention evil mutant hobbit zombie death flu this year.
Octopuses are very smart. They are easily bored and require diversion. So at one aquarium they hit upon a solution - give the octopus a Mr. Potato Head filled with smelt.
The article is worth it just for the picture....
I'm sad I missed the signing itself, and therefore much time with the attendees thereof. But the post dealio was cool too.
I'm waiting for the FedEx man to get here. That guarantees that, unlike a day when I'm sleeping in, when he arrives at 9AM on the dot, he won't be here until like, 2pm. Because I wanted to hang out with a friend and do lunch, today. Harumph.
Noah is really cute! He just grows cuter and cuter every day.
My annoying cow-orker is back from vacation, and I am longer to scream and tell her that cc: does not mean COVER copy!!!!