Yikes, brenda! Be careful!!
That goes for many of y'all, actually. Or all y'all.
That NYTimes illustration was perfectly clear. Pie is kind of gay, tractors are definitely gay, etc.
Shower was lovely, transportation no problem, etc. Except I didn't recognize someone I've met many times, but not in years. Oops.
Cowgirl, i was at a yearly dinner last night, where the hostess did not recognize me again. Geez, woman, I see you at this thing EVERY year, do you always have to tell me it's nice to meet me?
Yikes, Brenda. Tread carefully.
Yay for fun showers and dinners.
Has everyone seen the Mentos & Diet Coke Bellagio-like fountain display already? It's been there a while, but I just saw it today, so... [link] Some people make me smile.
Eated too much for brunch. Am in recovery mode now. Will be assembling furniture with friend for his new apartment later. And the weather is gorgeous here, too.
Geez, woman, I see you at this thing EVERY year, do you always have to tell me it's nice to meet me?
Oh yeah, that's annoying. I didn't think hard enough before arriving, because there weren't many people there, and I could predict most (all, it turned out) of who would be there. So of course that woman who wasn't the bride's sister was her cousin!
jesse--you haven't seen this person in years, no reason you should remember her right off.
msbelle, what's the brand name for the ipod sound system you have, and are you still happy with it?
It's been a gorgeous day here and I've slept most of it away. Stayed up too late watching Zodiac, which was actually a decent movie.
brenda, you can also clean up bits of broken glass with an apple or potato, cut in half. Be careful and make sure you wear shoes in!
It's carpeted, so I'll probably just end up shaking everything and then vacuuming like nine times. Plus they'll probably have to replace it when I move out in like a week. So I guess the timing was okay, if nothing else.
I have the harman/kardon soundsticks as a combo laptop/iPod speakers. I love them. h/k also makes an iPod docking station that links up to your stereo, but i do not have that and cannot speak to it. [link]