Oh wow Kat, how terrifying!! But they say everyone drops the baby once -- at least you got it over with while he was in the carseat, right? And babies are pretty squishy and resilient.
(My next-door neighbor's 4-month old learned to flip himself over in the space of about 3 seconds while both of his parents were 6 inches away, but had momentarily turned to look at something else. He managed to flip himself off the bed and onto the floor, earning himself a trip to the ER and a magnificent shiner. Both parents were traumatized. Baby thought it was the bestest most funniest thing EVAR.)
Chicagoistas, Savion Glover is doing a free show with the CSO this afternoon:
Sunday, September 9, 4:00
FREE Millennium Park Concert
Jay Pritzker Pavilion
Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Edwin Outwater conductor
Savion Glover tap dancer
Mozart Overture to The Magic Flute
Ellington Selections from The River *
Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Ravel)
Conductor Edwin Outwater leads Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with special guest tap dancer Savion Glover performing to Duke Ellington’s Suite from The River. The program also features Mozart's Overture to The Magic Flute, which honors the memory of Sir Georg Solti, who passed away 10 years ago this month, and a CSO tour de force, Mussorgsky's spectacular Pictures at an Exhibition.
Savion Glover is doing a free show with the CSO this afternoon
So cool!!
We're having just about the most gorgeous Labor Day weekend possible here -- low 80's, not too humid, just enough cloud cover to make the sky look even bluer. My parents are in town visiting the baby so we're heading over to the park this afternoon for a picnic. Tomorrow the Cyclones are playing the SI Yankees and the theme of the game is "baby's first ballgame" so naturally we're going to that too.
the theme of the game is "baby's first ballgame"
That's so much better than Marty Markowitz bobblehead day.
Jessica - we're having similarly magnificent Labor Day Weekend weather.
Tomorrow the Cyclones are playing the SI Yankees and the theme of the game is "baby's first ballgame"
My first too-early-to-process-language read of this informed me that the Cylons were playing the Yanks, which would have been quite a game indeed.
Everyone falls with the baby at least once. Usually just once, because it's so horrible that your body stays in low-level panic mode forever after. I can't even talk about the time I fell with Matilda, but I can be damn fucking certain I will never, ever do so again.
Hec called me last night with a woeful update: not only did Emmett's team lose their morning game (though they won the afternoon game), but (a) it was 104° in Manteca, (b) the air conditioning in the car works but the fan has been coming and going and yesterday it went, and (c) when they retreated to a mall to escape the heat for a couple of hours, their only movie option was
Balls of Fury.
Oh, the humanity!
In the meantime, I've grocery shopped, vacuumed, swept, fixed one of the string light strings in the living room (and figured out that the problem with the other is not the bulbs, but the fuses; I just need to get at the fusebox inside the plug, which is in a tricky corner of the room, but it'll get done before Tuesday).
And Matilda has taken some incredibly cool leaps in the past few days. She's started pointing (not straight pointing, but with the pointy arm held up over her head and the hand pointing like a little gun -- Hec says it's the same point rock stars use at stadium shows when they're screaming, "BACK ROW! YOU ROCK!"); when you hold your hand up and tell her "Gimme five," she does; and she's started consistently using "Mumumum" and "Dadadada" as her distress cries when the corresponding parent is around. Not actually calling us by name, but she definitely knows which cry gets the appropriate parent to come running to help.
To sum up: I just love her so-oh-oh much!
t /Raising Arizona
It's good that the minor leagues are encouraging familes to come out, because the majors are trying to price them out all together.
after being out all day yesterday, mac and I are wasting the nice weather today by staying inside all day.
It's lovely to get morning Matilda stories.
We've pretty much got the same perfect weather going up here in Greater Boston. It's been in the 70s all weekend. It MAY get up to the mid-80s tomorrow, but dry. So nice. Also, I defeated the snot-monster (apart from one ear that's still clogged) so I'm actually ENJOYING the weather. My bad ankle has decided it's going to give me grief, though, which is disappointing, but I'm not taking much guff from it.
Matilda has taken some incredibly cool leaps
I've skipped to the exactly right post, haven't I?