You should consider yourselves all under orders to keep your jobs!
While I was making lunch, my shipment from Amazon arrived -- I CAN HAZ TEXBOOKS!1!! Now I feel like a real student and everything, although my university ID won't be ready until Tuesday.
Alright, where in the theater district can I have brunch before a show? This should not be so tricky!!!!
That is just weird. Haven't they heard of a sandwich tray?
This is what I'm saying. I'm going to bet the sandwich tray we order for meetings is too expensive to waste on the staff. Maybe I'll just pick up something normal on the way over to the park. We have to bring our own chairs and blankets, too.
For one thing, we have to pick between chicken salad or tuna salad sandwiches.
Dude. While not providing anything for people with voluntary or medical dietary restrictions is lame, I don't often trust other people to prepare and store mayo-salady foodstuffs.
There are certain members of my family whom I love but would not eat their potato salad for fear of food poisoning.
You know what's not fun? Walking to the cafe with your boss and having her say "Yeah, I don't know anything. Everything may be fine, but if you want to start looking at what openings there are on other teams, everyone has permission to." I mean, I'd already started scoping out the internal job board, but still! Not Reassuring, BossLady!
Oh, jeez, Jilli. Good luck.
I don't often trust other people to prepare and store mayo-salady foodstuffs.
Not to be eaten outside!! I mean, seriously.
I figure the asking you to choose a sandwich in advance is to cut costs on food that isn't eaten ... but those don't sound like good choices. Unless their clever plan is to save lots of money by having people bring their own.
It did just occur to me that I could just bring my own turkey sandwich...
Oh, and I miscalculated, and I got an extra week of severance, which should help with the Windows computer that I didn't know I'd want to buy for programming class.
signed, College Likes Carrots.
I wrote the rent check, I signed my timesheet, I went to the ATM, I got some ointment for my poor toe, I have a boarding pass, I finished all the edits I needed to make, and have the code ready for the edits I need to make first thing on Tuesday.
I guess all I have to do now is get to the airport.