So I finally read Allyson's book today. And it was great fun! Yay Allyson! I got all verklempt over Nilly's story, and "Safe Harbor from Ann Arbor".
I was a bit annoyed that the Oakland B&N didn't have it out on the tables in front, only in the humor section--but it was easy enough to find there.
Holy cow am I actually at the end of Natter? Yessiree this does appear to be a posting box. How bizarre.
Oh and ^
You chapeauers are all weird.
I went to a party!
Yes, I'm back before 10, but for me that is still huge. I drove myself and everything.
I totally dressed the midlife crisis part and everything.
Oh, I saw Ratatouille, which was very fun.
It's been a quiet day.
And now I've gone and wikifreaked myself out.
Sloth the size of a bull elephant. Armadillo the size of a VW Bug.
Maybe tomorrow I'll see a movie. I'm a wild and crazy gal. But there are about to be a million I want to see, and I can't wait on my companion forever.
ita you can go see a megatherium in person at the the tar tar pits!
I don't think I want to see one.
That's scary wrong.
need one of these: Penguin Teaboy
Tea too strong? Too weak? Problem solved. Our nattily attired tea penguin always brews the perfect cup. Set the timer for your ideal brew time (from 1 minute up to 20) and he lowers the teabag into the water. When the time is up, he lifts it out. Couldn't be simpler or more fun. 3" diameter, 8" tall.
Penguin Teaboy
Just don't put it on your telly.
I went to San Jose. What I wanted to do there wasn't actually possible, so I came home.
It's amazing what taking it up to 80 and blaring a combination of Joan Jett and Mullet rock can do for my pissiness level.
Plus, now I am home, and have beer.