Okay. Man, last night sucked. This morning hurts, but not my head, so I'm calling it a win. Big win.
Happy birthday, meara, JenK!
And way cool on compensation, even just in part, flea.
Cashmere? You're doing a good job. This is what's supposed to happen.
And then more stuff, but my throat is sore and my heel killing, and I need to be in at 8am this morning. Must shower.
Glad there is no head pain this am , ita.
happy first day Owen.
Happy birthday Jen K
yay money flea.
Do you need help beating up the cousin , tiggy?
I too need to jump in the shower. darn.
I was just about to ask if ita was home, and she is, so yay.
Happy birthdays!
I am very carefully not adding any editorial commentary to any of my work e-mails this morning. Mostly because the commentary would consist of, "I want to stab you all in the throat with a pair of scissors. No, I'm not joking. I have the scissors in my hand right now and I'm making stabbing motions at my computer monitor."
I am just going to say- what beth b. said!
Also, I liked that link, flea. I have a teacher that is starting next week who has not gotten me any of the articles he uses for class, which doesn't seem major, except at my uni, we have to get copyright clearance for each article that we post on Blackboard or Xerox! And he uses hundreds of articles!
Hee! Yes, that's exactly my mood.
I'll be better once the coffee finally kicks in. I'm getting a haircut after work and tomorrow I go to Atlanta, so long as I tamp down the homicidal impulses.
Okay, tea achieved.
It's plantar something when you wake up and your heel's on fire, right? Or fascitis something?
Last night, or rather yesterday from afternoon onwards, sucked hard. I am determined to reap every bit of upside out of it possible, so other people's kindness isn't wasted on me.
plantar fasciitis - so you're kind of right on both guesses.