Ha! According to a friend's LJ, this showed up on a mailing list for local costumers:
There are a lovely group of Greenwood Goths I know having a Yard Sale, with many clothes/costumes and accessories Sunday, August 26th starting at 2 pm (they ARE creatures of the night, after all, and can't be expected to get going until they've have their morning (i.e. 1pm) coffee).
That's really funny.
I not only wish you lots of sales, I wish I could be there, not the least because IIRC we're mostly the same size.
Me too -- I would love to rummage!
Random question: is there anything you can substitute for Marsala in a recipe? The recipe I'm looking at is a pork and mushroom dealie. I just can't see buying a whole bottle when I want to use a couple of tablespoons.
is there anything you can substitute for Marsala in a recipe?
Hmmm. Maybe a dry sherry?
Isn't rose' (imagine an accent there) good with pork?
Yeah, I don't have that, either. What I have in the house that might be relevant is regular wine, dry vermouth, tawny port (assuming that a bottle would last forever in my fridge), and I think that's it. I guess I could bite the bullet and buy one of these recipe liquors.
Of what you've got, the port will be the closest (and there's no need to refrigerate port -- the extra alcohol is there to preserve it.)
I had port for the first time last night. Tis sweet.