Oh! I also had the tiny ants in SF.
Emmett's mom had tiny ants, and we had a brief bout with them ten years ago. Also, I once had a yellowjackets build a nest in the frame of our building. Still an exterminator got rid of them and that's about the sum total of negative bugivity over 21 years here.
I consider their existence to be proof of the universe's inherent malevolence. Those fuckers should not be able to fly. It's just mean
And they're not the frightend, scattering types either! Those mother fuckers will fly
right at your face.
This is the most bug-free place I've lived ever. I've seen a couple roaches, but they are wee compared to even the MN ones. Fleas, yes. Ants, yes. But those are eradicable, and not nearly the bother of some other insects I could name.
I just could not live somewhere where mosquitos are a big problem. I welt up and am miserable. Ants, roaches, I'll take.
some other insects I could name.
But won't so that I don't have to spend the rest of the day sitting on my feet, right?
And they're not the frightend, scattering types either!
Nope. They have attitude.
But won't so that I don't have to spend the rest of the day sitting on my feet, right?
Exactly. And so I don't creep myself out, and miss squeeing about hats! Yay!
I cannot. stop. yawning. Gah.
Ah, yes, my childhood summers at the beach. Not just fun and games, but also yellow fly bites that left welts (and usually on the ankle bone), mosquito bites, the appearance of freaky flying roaches, and horse flies. The rule for the cousins playing in the water was if you saw a horsefly you had to yell "Horsefly!" so everyone could dive under the water to temporarily escape it so it would fly off. Of course there were more false alarms than actual horseflies...I don't ever remember being stung by one (maybe once) but it became a weird game.
And they're not the frightend, scattering types either!
That's why you arm yourself!
I think the worst bug we have are those creepy cave crickets. or as i like to call them "alien crickets" because they remind me of the aliens in Aliens. *shudder* we had to exterminate our house for them because they were becoming more and more of a nuisance. of course now we have a spider issue because the crickets were eating the spiders.
a recent experience has forever traumatized me about killing spiders myself.