I saw an article about the Mitt health plan
"Romney will urge states to redirect federal money that is now spent on expensive emergency room care for people without insurance, putting it instead towards helping low-income people pay for health insurance."
That sounds impractical without more money, will people without insurance stop getting sick and injured so this plan can get in place? Not a bad idea, but you'll need spend more in the short term and I don't get the impression that is what he means.
"Romney's proposal would also make insurance premiums more affordable for individuals by making health costs tax-deductible once they enroll in a plan."
Sounds good but depends on the details. Itemized deductions would be useless for low income people, but it isn't a bad idea until a better plan can be implemented.
"In hopes of lowering healthcare costs, Romney would also provide federal incentives for states to deregulate their insurance markets -- encouraging them, for example, to get rid of laws that require insurers to pay for certain medical services, like in vitro fertilization."
This could be a disaster.
"He would also give states more flexibility in how they could use federal Medicaid dollars, making it easier for states to develop innovative programs -- such as one in Utah that helps people manage chronic illnesses, which keeps them healthier and reduces costs,"
Cool, let the states innovate better ideas.
"The plan also includes a litany of proposals to help drive down health costs, including medical liability reform. And the plan would provide more information to consumers so they could shop for the best quality and prices."
Republicans love to bring out the malpractice caps, but they don't do much to actually reduce costs Article with references to other studies. The rest sounds meaningless.
All-in-all, I'm underwhelmed. I'm very interested in health care policy in this next election.