Timelies all!
Forever 21 is one of those places I go to look for wenchy clothes. Problem is, they seem to think only girls with narrow ribcages want to dress like that.(Common problem in stores aimed at the teenage girl market) I've found a few tops, all size large.
Kavan Smith was there last year, Matt. Keep an eye on dragoncon.org, though. Most of the big guests are at the bottom, and recent additions are marked. There's also a D*C livejournal, though I find it a little scary.
Re: Last night's Daily Show...
I didn't think it was possible for me to love Rob Riggle more. And yet?
This "week in Iraq" thing is kicking ALL KINDS of ass. One might even say it was "Macho Kick-ass"!
edited twice, because I'm an idjit
The stores are filled with cute halloweeny things and I'm going to go BROKE because of all the cuteness.
Oh, lord, no, not holiday stuff, not yet.
The local stationery store was putting out Christmas cards this week.
At least they were really nice. It made me sad that I had already bought mine in a post-holiday sale this past January.
Jesse! Thanks for the Terrence Howard follow-up link.
Boy, oh boy.
Weirdo. Shame, in the was-never-going-to-meet-him sense of the word.
I have no brain this week. I just sent someone a duplicate evite. I keep asking questions I've not only already asked, but on whose answers I've already commented.
I really need less meds.