You people should be thanking your lucky stars that me and shrift aren't doing a w&p for this MCR streaming thing.
I may have flailed at Dana a little bit about Frank and Gerard and Bob's knee socks.
Um. Okay, and my roommate came to see if I was okay at one point, but... but... er. Flail?
Um. Okay, and my roommate came to see if I was okay at one point, but... but... er. Flail?
Jazz hands! Bases! Frank standing down in the crowd by the munchkin! Yes, flail.
It's interesting there are so many people of seemingly-recent slavic origins (heavy on the traditional first and last names, not even close to being anglicized) in ballroom dance.
I love watching this shit.
Jazz hands! Bases! Frank standing down in the crowd by the munchkin!
Gerard's pretty and he knows it, clap your hands! And now I'm going to be singing Journey while I make dinner.
I can't get in to my work email. Someone remind me that's a good thing?
It's good. No work tonight!
Called an old friend. Got voicemail. She's anglicized her name on the message. I'm weirdly irritated by this. Not at her, for sure. Maybe at the place she resides that might lead to that. I dunno. Will have to ask about that. I used to get in arguments with her cousins over Amarillo. And Anne Richards and Clayton Williams, which has no relevence but whatever.
All leads back to the La Jolla/Los Feliz discussion. I still can't figure out how the latter is pronounced by those freaky LAistas. I grew up where you pronounced the spanish mexican-correctly and made fun of those who botched it. Hell, my brother's english still has an unusual mexican-spanish twinge on some words (and his son picks up pieces of Alabama, which cracks me up and freaks him out.) We tease my midwestern parents over their La Jolla confusion 35+ years ago.
paperdol should watch The Word off last night's Colbert, because it's all about creating online personas.
Los (like "lost") FEElez.
I still can't do it, paperdol. My background is too stringent. I'll hear you say it someday...and still mispronounce it, according to you freaky people.
I avoid even saying ita's name likewise- I slur or roll certain consonants. T is one of them.
The funny thing is, with the exception of spanish pronunciation, my accent is probably generic broadcaster. Unless I'm tired or drunk, then I pick up random NC southern.