This is a carryover from my LJ, because I thought people here might want to play too (Tom Scola, I am looking at you).
Would people be interested in having a photographic scavenger hunt? I was thinking I could come up with/collect a list of items for people to photograph, give them a set amount of time, and then everyone could share the pictures they come up with.
Logistically, I think it wouldn't work here, so I would set it up in my LJ, but I could link to it from here, if people would be interested.
I don't really know how -- hey, whoever is breathing into the phone, please stop? If they knew that they were doing it, wouldn't they not?
You must be right-- when I'm on a call with more than ten or so, everyone not speaking should have their mute on, so usually someone pipes up if there is interference. With speakerphones especially you can't talk if someone else is making noise.
In good-sound news, I think the office next to me is playing opera, which is like instantly calming to me given there is also a jackhammer outside.
Lee, I'd be interested in that.
And now I'm going to be breaking into Barrett's Privateers at random the rest of this week.
GodDAMN them all I was told we'd SAIL the seas for AMERICAN GOLD!
Interview actually went really well.
Lee, knowing my life, I doubt I'd have time to play, but I'd really enjoy seeing other people's pics.
My lj is here [link] and I will leave all of the entries about this unlocked.