That's kinda cool, paperdol! GO YOU!
I wish I had gotten a travel system. Instead, I got many nasal cannulas, free formula (but the neosure instant feeder bottles), some blankets, some diapers, duoderm, butt paste, three bulb syringes, saline bullets, apnea monitor and oxygen tanks.
My answer to the baby-raper questions, I've honed, is that I have no idea about any of that. I've never experienced it and I've been deeply involved in internet communities for almost ten years. I'm 34, so I'm not in that demographic. Besides, every day, for twenty years, millions and millions and millions of people have used the net, and nothing bad has ever happened to them.
I suppose that more people have been diddled by priests and softball coaches than have ever been victimized on the net, but then, I've never found any sort of statistic on victims of crimes occuring on the net, so I'm not sure where, exactly, the hysteria is coming from.
You should cut her off at the pass with "You're not going to ask me the same net-raper questions as everyone else, are you?"
Yeah, although they will also be dazzled by the Penlind thing.
Oh, and go, girl!(although it, like, posse is passe)
The EW thing finally got posted on the net:
Someone Whedonesque me!!!
paperdol, did you see the article I linked to yesterday?
Study: Fears over kids' online safety overblown
I hadn't, Tom. Life has been so weird and sad in every sense that my net use is weirdly intermittent.
Good study! Like!
I've had way more skeezy encounters just walkin' around outside than I have on the internet. At least on the internet, some drunk dude whipping it out on the sidewalk won't be able to get piss on your shoes, you know?
From Gawker: 50 foot "Bourne Comes Home" ad hanging on Matt Damon's apartment building. [link]
I kind of want to know what building that is. It looks familiar.
When I read the article Tom linked I asked the boys if they had been cyberbullied. They cracked up and asked me where I came up with that term.