Someone buy Giuliani a dictionary....
"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."
OK... so I guess under a dictatorship you're even more free?
And not "George Orwell's Big Book of Definitions"
It would be nice if they had a cite for the quote, given how damning it is.
cite [link]
It's from a speech in 1994 -- he's been like this for a while.
cite [link]
Oh, that's from 1994. Didn't realize that quote was so old....
Just means its time for the rest of the country to learn Rudy's Greatest Hits.
[[earwormed with Me & Bobby McGee]]
is glad she wasn't the only one
So I just learned that one of the stroller/carseat combos my brother has? Was a freebie from the hospital. How common is that? It's one of those gracos or whatever (I can't be bothered to look. T is sleeping and D has banned me from legos.) Of course, freebie is a relative term, what with the bill even after insurance. Ok, being summoned.
Dude, all I got free from the hospital was a pamphlet on why you shouldn't shake babies and a shitload of formula samples. I totally would have preferred a travel system!