Oy. Just had a neuro visit, who managed to contradict almost everyone I've seen in the past couple days.
Yes, I get it, don't be an addict. But please stop talking about "as much pain as [I] can tolerate." I consider tolerating pain about equivalent to not dying. I don't
to tolerate it. But I can.
At least I have cherries on my pjs.
Did Lori do any work on the Phoenix lander?
It's her big ass robotic arm, I believe.
There's going to be a point when I just say "Look, it still hurts, but the little bit of a life that I was having? I need to get it back."
I'm sorry your life is trying to become why my Hubby's life is like. I hope you get better relief.
But look, Laura, the poster formerly known as CV is back! Two days in a row. I can't stick around, but I wanted to check in on ita. So so sad that her news isn't better. So happy Kat brought her jammies!
Fred Pete - I don't know all the backstory on your kitty, but just wanted to chime in and say that I can relate AND things really could get better. About 6 or 7 months ago, I took my cat to the vet because she was losing weight pretty dramatically. What ensued is an extremely long story, but basically, after a couple of thousand dollars worth of tests, they came up with the hypothesis that she had lymphoma of the stomach lining. To confirm that diagnosis, we'd have had to sepend a couple thousand more for additional tests, but since they said they would treat her for that condition even if we didn't, we skipped the test and just started treatments. Treatments involved oral steroids and subcutaneus fluids every other day. I learned to administer the fluids at home (it was so awful I don't even want to talk about it). This went on for months and months, tweaking the steroid dosages and the frequency of fluids. And all of a sudden, she started getting better. She still has to have blood work done every 6 weeks to check her calcium levels (basically, her kidneys were calcifying before), but for the time being, she has gained back all the weight (she had gotten down to 6 and a half pounds, she's back to just over 8 now), and she is off all of her meds. Treating a sick kitty is very difficult, all of the vets she visited said the same thing - sometimes it is just near impossible with a cat, it has a lot to do with luck and love. I hope your kitty gets better soon!
It's too bad we're all axe-murdering pedophiles, or this'd be a real nice story.
HA HA! (Sharpens her axe, crosses Liese of "the list")
I just spent 10 minutes entertaining Dylan by turning a lamp on and off. He was fascinated.
That is insanely cute.
It's pouring rain here in Maine, too. Yucky out there.
Ok, must work now. Hugs and happy thoughts to ita, I hope that when I next check in you are doing much better.
Jesse, when the government tells you to stay home from work...stay home! Also, what train were you on?
Paul Fleuranges is hardly the government! I was on the N. By the time I got to 14th Street and heard my first announcements, they were "There is no 1,2,3,4,5,6 service, and no N,R,Q,W service into Brooklyn OR Queens." AWESOME.
Don't know if he is a prince or an asshole, but I feel bad that his victory is so tainted.
I think the general consensus from most people is asshole. Which, IMHO, is more responsible for the constant bad press he gets than the suspicion of steroid use. I think, for example, if McGwire's career had lasted long enough to approach Aaron's record he would have gotten much more favorable coverage despite questions about his own use of performance enhancers.
Yay, two days of Callaluna!
96 degrees + 48% humidity = 105 heat index
I thought it was supposed to be even more humid, so I was surprised when I went outside a few minutes ago, and it wasn't all that bad. I mean, I wouldn't want to hang out in it, but it was slightly less sauna-ish than it felt like yesterday, or I expected.
I agree with Matt, re: Bonds. His attitude to the public has been quite assholish. I also agree that McGwire would have had a different response. Though McGwire should have been voted into the Hall of Fame this year and was denied due to the "steriod scandal". We will see what happens with next year's voting. He is just the first of MANY who will have that cloud over their head when it comes to HoF voting.
eta - cloud makes much more sense than could.
I just scrolled back and found your visit and name change. I'm closer to you than usual, only an 8 hour drive from the Adirondacks. Those of us not in the 255 will need pictures. Dress is very pretty. No doubt will be prettier on you.