Oh, ita. I keep thinking there has to be something out there that will make your head behave, so you won't have to be frivously spending your money on emergency rooms.
My downfall is buying ever more books, and wishful clothes in a size that will fit in 20 pounds and a miracle.
This is me. Also I love the phrase "20 pounds and a miracle." I don't spend that much money going out, but I do spend too much money buying food that I don't get around to cooking, so that its use date expires or it melts into a puddle of green goo.
sorry, ita.
May he see something the others missed and knock that shit off for you.
Downfalls: Random Japanese cuteness (I could open a store), clothes, shoes, hair, electronics, music
I have posted my old sofabed on 2 freecycle lists and I want it gone gone gone. Please to let someone want it and have big strong friends.
I am working from home. am skyping with my boss because he has end of day questions for me. for the second time today my mom is taking a long call from a friend of hers and leaves the room where mac is. He HATES being alone right now. he has made increasing loud noise in the living room, has come in the kitchen with me twice for attention. why does she do it?
oh well, done now.
I have just (mostly, sort of) caught up on the 1000 or so posts that have accumulated since we headed down to ND's parents' place on Saturday morning. Wow. Um. Too much to respond to, so a quick summary:
- ita, I am so sincerely sorry that you are dealing with this bullshit. I hope they finally do something to mitigate your pain soon.
- Jilli, squee! What wonderful news! I am thrilled for you and believe it couldn't have happened to a nicer Perky Goth. Whee! And you're not dreaming; this recognition is long overdue.
- paperdol, that interviewer scares me. But yay getting interviewed!
- Re: Money. I have been on both sides of the have/have not coin, and all I can say is that money and the lack thereof makes everything complicated. Working in a private LA girls' school has brought my awareness of the relativity of wealth to a whole new level, btw. About 20% of my students are on scholarships, which means 80% are not. And of that 80%, a good percentage have more spending money in a week than I have in a year. It boggles the mind. OTOH, I have worked very hard for over a decade now to work my way up the teaching salary scale, paltry though it may be, and I think...I think...I may finally be getting to the point where I will actually be able to go out to eat and buy work clothes without charging them. I feel lucky for having had a supportive family, but I don't feel lucky about that income. It's hardwon. I do feel lucky to have a combined income, however, which allows me to rent a nice house with ND. But he's worked his ass off for many years to be successful, too, so I don't want to dismiss that. I guess I'm just agreeing that money is complicated. I think a lot of the resentment in this society comes from the old "were you born into it or did you earn it" mentality, but "born into it" can also relate to whether you were born into a family that valued and could afford education. Basically, there's a whole lot of resentment floating around, but I think we (we=American society, not we=Buffistas) all wish we had a little more (or hell, a LOT more) money. If we don't have it, we resent those who do. I am certainly guilty of this and really have to watch it at my school. But when we do have it, we feel like we constantly have to justify it or strive for more. I have felt that way many times, especially when I was married to DexH who worked in TV and made a lot more than our friends. So you really can't win.
Downfalls: Random Japanese cuteness (I could open a store)
And what a great name that would be for it!!!!!
And what a great name that would be for it!!!!!
The store logo could be a cross between Godzilla and Hello Kitty.
Hi everyone! This is Cybervixen, or it used to be Cybervixen. New name. I am so over that name, which was bestowed upon me at the tender age of 19. I'm, um, a little older than that now.
I wanted to stop by and scream out my praises for Allyson's book! I pre-ordered it from Amazon, and I read it in one sitting Sunday evening. It was AWESOME, Allyson! Loved it. Beyond the obvious coolness of reading stories by and about people you "know," the essays were well written and frequently hysterical.
Also, you seem to have stolen "Imposter!" from my brain. Saying "I can relate" just does not adaquately express my shock at reading my secrets in print! I think I will name my Syndrome "Alice," and make her my friend.
I wish you great success, sell the HELL out of that book! Time to put that marketing/promotion genius to work on your own behalf.
Ok, I'm done. Hello everybody! Congratulations to the new Buffista parents, I hope the new little ones are doing well. I am very sorry to hear that ita is in the hospital with ANOTHER headache, and I sincerely hope that they will someday get the problem under control for you.
Things here are even busier than usual. My dreadfully stressful soul-sucking job is still dreadful and soul-sucking, and continues to consume WAY TOO MUCH of my time. But now I'm spending nearly every second of non-work time planning for the wedding, which is a mere 52 days away!! I thought I was so smart, I got all the big things (like venue, photographer, D.J., etc.) taken care of AGES ago, so I figured I was mostly done except for the little things. Well, it turns out that the little things take a LONG TIME. I have been looking for black vases for the centerpieces for MONTHS (no joke), to no avail. But we're getting there, slowly but surely. Invitations are out, and the RSVPs are rolling in at an alarming rate. I invited 253 people (it just kept growing, you know?), even though we really didn't want more than 150 people. I thought I was safe, anyway, because surely tons of people would be unable to attend, right? Gulp. So far, ALL the returned RSVPs have said yes. All of them.
So anyway, I am crazy stressed out bride these days. How's everyone else?
Callaluna! What a cool name change!
Bride stuff... yoiks. good luck!