I feel poor, especially given my household's education level. Right now my daughter qualifies for federal reduced fee school lunches, based on our income. For a two-master's degree household, it's a little embarrassing.
It's also 77 degrees in my office and rising. Why the AC gotta be broken when it's expected to be 100 degrees today?
Nah, I feel plenty wealthy. And kind of guilty about it, usually.
Then why not quit your job? That's one of the themes of the article-- no matter how much money these millionaires have, they never feel like they can quit their jobs.
I actually thought the article was interesting, even if the point was simply that money just doesn't make you happy.
I don't feel poor, and I probably make much less than some of you and much more than others here. I am able to buy what I want, take financial care of my kids etc. I dont' think I'd be able to afford a house in LA nor a private school. But I am far from feeling poor.
I didn't think the point was that money doesn't make you happy, but that wealth can be seen as relative.
Also, I wonder how much of personality goes into the sili-valley/entrepreneur wanting to continue to work even with millions in the bank.
Then why not quit your job?
Because, at least at the moment, the majority of the wealth, plus the health benefits, comes from my husband's job. Which contributes to the guilt.
I didn't think the point was that money doesn't make you happy, but that wealth can be seen as relative.
Yeah. Plus the apparent need to stand out, to be superior to all the other millionaires in the area.
Mr. Kremen estimated his net worth at $10 million. That puts him firmly in the top half of 1 percent among Americans, according to wealth data from the Federal Reserve, but barely in the top echelons in affluent towns like Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Atherton. So he logs 60- to 80-hour workweeks because, he said, he does not think he has nearly enough money to ease up.
“You’re nobody here at $10 million,” Mr. Kremen said earnestly over a glass of pinot noir at an upscale wine bar here.
Fuck him.
I don't feel poor, but when my DH was unemployed we denied ourselves lots of extras (big and small) that sometimes left me feeling poor at the start. We didn't eat out, didn't buy new clothes except what we could articulate we needed for my new job (I have to dress better) or his job hunt (he needed a warm-weather suit). Six months later, he has a job, and I don't feel the need to eat out, etc., very often any more -- we broke the habit. We like running the numbers and putting that cash into savings or vacations.
However, one of the arguments for leaving NoCal was because we couldn't afford to buy a house we'd want without a mortgage payment that would have brought us too close to the edge.
I don't know how to copy and paste on my iPhone, but our server died too. So boring with onlyinimal Internet. Maybe I'll goread about the millionaires.0
Wealthy (though decidedly unrich) and not guilty (although sometimes self-conscious).
If I felt I were wealthy
guilty, quitting my job wouldn't fix a thing--it's the guilty part that's broken, not the wealthy. I studied and worked to get this money.
I make more money than my sister or parents ever have. They have 6 degrees between them, and I've got only the one. Making more than my parents is what makes me self-conscious. But I'm private sector and in the US. So it shouldn't. But education was always my parents' holy grail, and not mine. My mother at the very least knows that her relentless pursuit of education is what diverted her away from using her spicy brains to make a bunch of money. So she both wants me to go to school and to earn more money. But I'm good. Sure, I want more things, but I'm good. No property, no dependents.
I'm in my hospital room right now. When they said I could get the internet, I didn't think they meant I had an entire (but somewhat locked down) computer avec browser.
But I can't get to my webmail because ports are blocked, which means I have to set up my BBerry to get personal mail while I'm here, otherwise the world might end.
Also, my cellphone has run out of charge.
This is how rough my life is (note me ignoring the reason for being in here...).