Happy Birthday, Fred Pete!
I'm glad Jacques has been returned to Gracie.
I had to read Moo, Baa, Lalala about twenty times last night, but I still love it.
Grace's new haircut rocks!
We were babysitting for a friend last night so were very busy setting up a tent in the living room to watch movies and eat kettlecorn.
Cloth diapering peeps: really cute knitted soakers
come home kitty
yay babies
happy birthday fredpete
that was a lot of effort for a Sunday morning
Happy Birthday Fred!!!
Kitty, you get back home right now!
I am stuffed up and I have cramps. Blah!
Where do I go to buy cabinet/drawer pulls? Would Home Depot have that?
Kitty come home-ma, Lisa.
thanks, everybody. He still hasn't shown. My friend and I just put a bunch of flyers up with this picture on it:
I feel bad because the picture title used to be Please, Help Me Escape and some fucker did.
Oh and Lee I'm super pissed because I got so far through the photo scavenger hunt and was going to go up to the antique stores in my neighborhood and hopefully finish it off and now i don't want to leave the house in case he comes back.
Lisah, I think you should post what you can now, and then finish or not later, as you want. I think an extension is more than warranted here.
Here's a black-screen version of Google that's supposed to save energy: [link]
Yeah, that'll save a bit of energy on a CRT monitor, but won't make a difference on an LCD.
Kat, the party was fun. When I crashed, I crashed hard and had to bolt, but I also stopped by Colin's on the way home, and it was good to see him after a gazillion months.
I dreamt about Noah and Grace last night. I dreamt they were still small, but walking and Grace was trying to kick Noah's ass, despite having the trach tube in.
I liked the dream.