There's a store called Cupcake in my work neighborhood but, criminally, it is a clothing NOT a cupcake store
That's just cruel!
Though I love me cupcakes of all stripes.
I think if the cool spell holds (crossing fingers!) I'll make red velvet cake this weekend.
It's probably a good thing that I have low self-esteem, or else I'd be getting a big head.
I'd love to tag this, paperdol
Sob. I still don't have the book. I wanted to buy it in an actual bookstore rather than ordering as usual. But when I went to the big city of Utica a couple days ago the One Book Store in the entire city was already closed for the day. grumble. I may have to get it when I return to Florida.
I really, really loathe people who express helplessness in the face of clear instructions.
Dear Work,
I don't want to do you. Go away now.
I'll make red velvet cake this weekend
Is it harder to make than other cakes? What recipe do you use?
I use this one: [link] But there was a good one in Cook's Illustrated that I wanted to try.
I really, really loathe people who express helplessness in the face of clear instructions.
Agh. Personal pet peeve of doom. And, for some reason, women get an extra soopersized helping of beejvitriol when they do this.
Learned helplessness is no one's friend!
There's a store called Cupcake in my work neighborhood but, criminally, it is a clothing NOT a cupcake store. rip off.
Yeah, that's bullshit.
I'm totally going to Bourne Ultimatum this afternoon. Or maybe Hairspray. At any rate: Hiding from the heat inside a movie theater.
I really, really loathe people who express helplessness in the face of clear instructions.
Are you talking about my boys? Yeah, this is most annoying every place I encounter it.