We have it as an ethnicity which causes a whole nother problem because the government says Hispanic is white, and some of our Mexican-American clients disagree.
Um....there are SO hispanics of other races? What?
Though on our forms at work, we collect race and ethnicity separately, and have occasionally had a hard time explaining the whole "check a box for race, THEN a box for hispanic/not hispanic" and people are all "But if I'm hispanic, what do I put?"
I'll be working for a consulting company that does a lot of documentation work for big companies. Hopefully it'll have the stability of a big corporate job without some of the headaches.
And on this first contract I'm doing, I think I'm going to get an office to myself. Okay, technically, it's a file room, but still.
Wow, I'm going to have to go to my old job and clear out my desk.
YAY Dana!
Jesse, that made me laugh on the inside, but not smile. and by laugh, I mean laugh AT you.
lately, I've seen a lot of forms that say "are you hispanic/latino? check here" and then a separate section for "race"
Which is what we have and the goverment says (or at least it will throw an alert on the case) if Hispanic is checked, white must also be checked and we have clients who are Hispanic and not white-though we do have many who are.
That's seriously strange, Daisy!!
Yay Dana! That's awesome!
I know! It frustrates the hell out of me too!
Ok. My boss is going out of town tomorrow and big boss is out of town, so I have to run the staff meeting Friday. I hate staff meetings, or at least weekly ones. Once a month is probably fine. We always go over the same stuff, the same things are said and all that. It takes time away from actually doing the things the staff meeting is about.
I'm thinking of doing a fill in the blank quiz with the outline and if everybody passes-no staff meeting.
I can think of at least one friend who will say things to me like "Man, white people," and I'm looking at her and wondering how being able to speak Spanish made her not white. But I can be narrow and dictatorial at times.
I'm having food ordering issues. Two branches of the same cafe keep insisting I want the same thing--toasted bagel with cream cheese. Even when I want an untoasted bagel with butter. Ordered "sesame-seed bagel with butter" and the guy cheerfully sliced a bagel and put it in the toaster. I reminded him about the "didn't say toasted, did I?" thing and he fumbled it out and said "Cream cheese?"
No. Butter.
Guy at the cash register charges me $2. "Bagel with butter?" I ask. He nods, and rings up the sale. Then he says "With cream cheese?" No. Butter "Butter?" Yes. Butter. And then he gives me extra change.
Congrats, Dana!