Yet another article on all this crap that your subconscious does without your consciousness being aware of it: [link]
More fundamentally, the new studies reveal a subconscious brain that is far more active, purposeful and independent than previously known. Goals, whether to eat, mate or devour an iced latte, are like neural software programs that can only be run one at a time, and the unconscious is perfectly capable of running the program it chooses.
The give and take between these unconscious choices and our rational, conscious aims can help explain some of the more mystifying realities of behavior, like how we can be generous one moment and petty the next, or act rudely at a dinner party when convinced we are emanating charm.
I'm in the middle of a writing test that uses the word "fungible".
Which one? The pipe smoker? Or Draper?
Pipe smoker I guess. I'm not talking about the lead.
Mad Men has duly been added as a season pass. I keep seeing it because the sushi restaurant and the bar that feed me three nights out of every seven seem to be playing either it or previews over my friend's shoulder.
Now I'll try watching it.
Though Turturro may be indelibly linked with
The Transformers
now, more's the pity.
Here's AMC's Mad Men site It has a lot of video clips and behind the scenes stuff if you're curious, including a whole section on "The Dangers of Smoking."
Here's the cast.
bon, is Bob's friend Michael Gladis?
A truly dumb blog. I have no idea how they intend to achieve their goal. I mean, I know Bijan's an idiot, but I also know he doesn't care what I think of him.
I do have to say I don't like the animated billboards that are springing up all over my little 3 mile radius of home/work/krav. The more interesting they are the more rubbernecking they'll encourage for people trying to see the whole rotation.
The entire LAPL database is down, so there can be no renewals--online, over the phone, or in person.
But overdue fees will not be waived. When I mentioned it wasn't fair the librarian just didn't say a word.
Goddamnit. I hate Giant. I went to the pharmacy to get more insulin needles (after hitting a RiteAid, where they wouldn't sell them to me without a prescription. Which is contrary to what the state says the policy is. Anyway.) I told them exactly the specs, twice, and the main pharmacist bagged the box without me seeing it, behind the counter.
I get home, it's the wrong gauge and length. Needles aren't returnable. Pisses me off. I'll use them if I have to (they'll work, they'll just be more painful,) but I'll probably go out and get the right kind and donate these to my vet or something. And bitch at Giant at some point.
Not now, though. Too tired.
RE Worldcrossing, apparently some servers are redirecting and some aren't. , go to but is okay.