tiggy, I don't like it, largely because of the raging vat of stupid that is their decision that the only thing to do is kill her. That eclipses all other issues for me.
Supernatural 1: Saving People, Hunting Things - the Family Business
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
am i alone in not liking Heart all that much?
I kind of liked it, but I thought JP's crying at the end was just bad and I had issues with the "must kill her now" part.
God, he is BEAUTIFULGreek God comes to mind. Which is weird 'cause he's my third favorite Winchester.
tiggy, I didn't get a love chemistry, but I got a good-time-for-both-of-them vibe. And this conversation now is killing me. I think this is around the time that it hit me Jared was doing a better job with the acting.
LOL, clearly Lee and I differ on that point.
AmyLiz - yes.
Plus, the end.
But sadly, I get SpN on Chicago tv so no SPN for me tonight. And I think they're airing it at the same time as the Arlington Million on Saturday.
raging vat of stupid that is their decision that the only thing to do is kill her
agreed. clearly they never watched a single episode of Buffy. (well, maybe Dean since he suggests locking her up at night. why does she not jump on this instead of the "you must keeeeel me, sam!" train?)
Okay, sure, they didn't have to kill her. But that would have been a huge relationship commitment from Sam. He has to be responsible for her EveryFullMoon, so that could become weird if they realized they hated each other. This way was less messy than breaking up.
I differ with Lee there, too. On the acting.
And Austin, I know! Honestly I find it hard to choose among them sometimes.
I let the emotional ANVIL knock me over the first time, and didn't really think through the "kill her now" thing. Still, BtVS? Not so much with the realism. Who's going to lock her up each month? Sam?
Time for Nightshifter next!
why does she not jump on this insteadTwo words.
Plot device.
Damn, need to cue up Nightshifter now. Start on the hour, which is kinda now.