#5 of the photos on Sumi's link, "Jared in the passenger seat", looks like "Dorf on Ghosthunting". Or maybe that he's a member of the Lollipop Guild.
And is it just me? Since S2, Jared has reminded me of Joel McCrea. Or Chuck Connors. Just that big, rawboned, craggy-faced character in a lot of 50s westerns.
wolfpup continuously has some of the best SPN vids out there. if you haven't watched "The Line" or "You Could Be Happy", go do so.
there's also a vid by Destina and barkley called "Want" that's phenomenal, but i can't find a link.
Ever the Same with such awesome Sam and Dean interactions. Watching the video breaks my heart.
I feel that way about her Soldier. Which is a remake, and I think a better vid than her When you are a Soldier. Both of those are at Austin's link.
And is it just me?
checks links
No, not just you.
I would LOVE for JA and JP to do a Western about 10-15 years from now.
Of course he's going for the candy!
While I hope this is our ewwww quota for the ep, I somehow doubt it
And we get the gore right off the bat.
I just know I shouldn't be watching....
If they can't pull her out, can't they knock it over?