They could at least make a phone call to Ellen and mention her, for continuity's sake, if nothing else.
Next week's TV Guide (Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin on the cover) has a 2-page story on Supernatural inside. Yes, it contains spoilers for the 10/30 episode. A few non-spoilery bits:
About Castiel:
The show's rabid fan base is notoriously tough on new characters, but they've taken to Castiel, whom Kripke describes as "a leader who speaks softly and carries a very, very big stick."
Concerning the question I keep having about why Castiel and Dean keep getting so hyped up over Sam's new Jedi-powers method of exorcism:
(Dean) is worried - for reasons not yet explained - about Sam using his growing powers to exorcise demons.
So that implies to me that maybe there's more to it than just the tiny bit of blood that Azazel dripped into baby!Sammy's mouth. Maybe.
And the good news:
... the cult series is enjoying something of a resurrection. Season 4 kicked off with nearly 4 million viewers -- the biggest audience since moving from the WB to the CW in 2006 -- and is averaging 3.6 million, 24 percent above last season. "Word of mouth is spreading that we're an overlooked show that's worth watching," Kripke says. "I'm proud that one of the few shows on television that's having regular conversations about God is a horror show on the CW."
[link] - extended clip of the special treat we're getting after tomorrow's episode. not spoilery, unless you want to wait for the full 90 second clip that's going to air after the ep.
I have always (you should pardon the expression) pooh-poohed the whole "Sammy has demon blood" thing. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing you get when you ingest demon blood is demon poop. And maybe a little heartburn.
I have always (you should pardon the expression) pooh-poohed the whole "Sammy has demon blood" thing. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing you get when you ingest demon blood is demon poop. And maybe a little heartburn.
Yeah, I've had the same thoughts. The amount of blood was miniscule, and the digestive system is pretty effective, so... unless you go with the "magic, magic, handwavium" theory.
To be fair, ingesting (or swapping) vampire blood is the pretty-much accepted way to become one. So why shouldn't ingested demon blood change the ingestor in some profound way?
Why you gotta ruin a perfectly good (for values of "good" that do not factor in holes, lack of integrity in theories, or other things that are sense-making) theory by using *logic*, huh?
Maybe I just like saying demon poop. Maybe the mental image of baby!Sam having a *really bad* diaper, and the resultant expression of disappointment and dismay on Stan's face makes me cackle.
Heh, thanks Bev. With one child still in diapers, rarely a day goes by that I don't get a chance to say demon poop. And use it more I will, from now on.
What's worse, poor Stan would have nobody to complain to "Damn, honey, what have you been feeding this kid?"
The fan vid is made of awesome. That must have taken so much work.
Who was the actress from the 4400?
I need to be more specific when discussing my Vancouver shows, don't I? They all rotate cast. I was thinking of Megalyn (Cassie.) Sam Ferris had the misfortune (or fortune) of most of her scenes with Joel Gretsch, so I was kinda distracted. tiggy knows. :nods:
Speaking of tiggy, thanks for linking the next clue. That was the longest version yet of our surprise. I already have this huge smile on my face. My face may literally split after seeing the whole segment. Is that Jared that is laughing off screen? Sounds like him.
It's only been one week without Castiel. It does feel like 30, though.
I mentioned this, then on the drive to work a song from Jesus Christ Superstar came on the radio. I spooked myself. I can't remember the last time I heard one of the songs, then I vaguely reference it on this board, and it comes on the radio. I wanted to pull the car over and say I was sorry before I could be smoted.
Yay, show tonight!!! I'm getting my kleenex handy because last week was too light hearted.
Is that Jared that is laughing off screen? Sounds like him.
it is. i'll whitefont the rest of this so i don't spoil anyone who isn't watching the surprises. apparently, Jared decided to not give Jensen his cue(which was to tap on the hood) and told the crew to keep rolling to see what Jensen would do.
supposedly tonight Jensen is supposed to crack us up. of course, showrunners/writers are notorious for being lying liars who lie.