Yeah. And you know one of the things I like about this show, in spite of its many issues, is its tough mindedness. The common sense "Have you ever thought that maybe you're lonely because you kill people?" is one example. But also, compare the Sam & Dean & Bobby confronting their dead vs. Buffy & Giles and so on. When Jenny tells Giles how dying at a great age surrounded by grandchildren is out, it is really the First Evil. Giles can tell himself that wherever Jenny is, maybe she does not hate him. Sam & Dean & Bobby have confront their actual people they failed to save who really do hate them and are trying to kill them. OK, they have slim comfort that they were driven mad by the spell, the magical equivalent of rabies, and have no choice but to hate the boys. But wherever the hate came from, these are the real spirits of their dead, and those spirits really want to kill them - no easy out that it was some other being just disguised.
Similarly, the shape changer may be a bit of a woobie. But whatever abuse, abandonment and hardship helped shape, by the time of this episode it was genuinely evil, and dangerous. The drama of being noble, and misunderstood was only in its head. It does not look like anybody will mope around feeling guilty at having to destroy it. It has to be the one to say "Twas Beauty killed the beast" because nobody else will say (or think) it for it.