Hee. Nice visual in the recap there, Cindy.
Thanks, Narrator. How's Princess Niece?
Awesome! Cindy, seriously, a shout out to me at TWOP about one of my favorite shows in the history of shows? I'm beyond speechless. I suspected with my job change, but it's official now. Things are going my way. And so there is no doubt, I am not being sarcastic in anyway. You have no idea how much that means to me. ::runs off to show people "That's me, that's me." ::
Heh. I'll use your name, next time. I'm glad to know things are going your way.
It's been a while since I've wanted to do this, but would anyone be interested in doing a rewatch of last week's ep, perhaps preceded by a rewatch of Home this weekend?
I've been wanting to watch "Home" since Thursday night, because I've been suspecting what Plei notes -- that everything has now been spun on its head, but I've been a little afraid I'll shatter into a million pieces.
Cindy, you made me say "Oh Show" again. And again. Perfect re-cap.
Here's how I know the episode got me -- I got a little misty reading the bit of the recap you quoted (not because it's mine or anything, but because it took me back to the scene). I can see their looks and oof!
The earlier scene between Mary and Dean though -- that killed me dead. Where did the casting people find that girl? She's perfection.
Hi Amy, Hi Beverly. I've got to run. I forgot to pack Chris's juice for lunch.