Morgana you put into words exactly how I am feeling. I'm taping SPN tonight (Castiel, oh Castiel, where for art thou?) but I will be watching the VP debate and hoping for decent behavior from all.
And then I'll watch SPN over and over and over. *sigh*
I'll be taping SPN, and probably watching tomorrow a.m. For some reason, my local CW affiliate has bumped their programming back an hour across the board so that SPN now airs 10 eastern/9 central.
Not to be a bad citizen, but... f*#k the debates! SPN is on!
You women are better patriots than I. The only voice that's worse nails on a chalkboard than Palin's is Dubya's. If I watched, it would have to be on mute. I'm not that good a person.
Oh come on, casting people. Blue eyes? And that tenor voice? You expect usto believe that's Big Bad John Winchester?
Castiel didn't send him back in time, he sent him back to Hell!
I love the way they have the flapping wings. They look and sound so sinister, yet I can't but think they are supposed to be Castiel's.