When it's nothing but constant whumpage, I grow calloused and immured.
This is why I spent the latter half of the second season mocking the Single Perfect Tear.
And, really, Dean being the focus of attention and rescue attempt is
comedy gold,
people. Squirmy and awkward FTW! Maybe, eventually, heartwearmingly squirmy, but before it can get to heartwarming, squirm must needs go through miles and miles of "Oh you did not just say that."
tapping of mortal ass too as Dean gives in to his hedonistic side in a frantic and frenetic attempt at distracting his attention from his ticking clock.
I, um, read this sentence wrong the first time.
I want Sam to carry the weight. Mid-season, they can ramp the Dean whumpage. But I want a nice long break from it, so that when the Ackles brings it, it'll be all the sharper and more painful.
Oh, I agree. I want them to set it up well, and I want the payoff to be worth it. I just don't want them to forget the issues underneath what they're facing to get forgotten when they're whumping demon ass.
Hee. Um, no.
And now I've just gone off in a cloud of reverie about that old-time game show, Beat the Clock, with the ticking and a merry tune in countdown. Or, you know, a round of Double Jeopardy.
nd, really, Dean being the focus of attention and rescue attempt is comedy gold, people. Squirmy and awkward FTW! Maybe, eventually, heartwearmingly squirmy, but before it can get to heartwarming, squirm must needs go through miles and miles of "Oh you did not just say that."
Comedy gold, yes, but I hope it's not too squirmy. I have watch from the hall squirmy issues.
And I think Dean graduated H.S. - I think that was still important enough to John (whether or not John realized it) for Dean to grit his way through.
And I think Dean graduated H.S. - I think that was still important enough to John (whether or not John realized it) for Dean to grit his way through.
There's speculation on the SPN wiki that John didn't graduate from high school. The badges in his journal indicate that he was a rifleman, and apparently high school graduates would have ended up on a different track. This makes me think that even if he didn't put much stock in higher education, he still would have wanted his boys to do a little bit better than their old man.
(I find that the Supernatural wiki is riddled with hooey and bias, so I would take that with a grain of salt. If you want a reason for John not to have finished highschool, you can work with the fact that he was born in 1954, and his Vietnam badges indicate he was there no later than 1971, when he was 17.)
How did he go to Vietnam at 17? Did that really happen to some guys?
Well, I know that people even younger fought in previous wars -- i.e., he would have had to have lied, I think.
How did he go to Vietnam at 17? Did that really happen to some guys?
It is also entirely possible that, as with the writing crew for Buffy, the writers of Supernatural are all English majors and cannot count.