Oh, Sam, you idiot.
I was torn between "Yeah, Sam finally gets to drive the damned car!" and "Dammit, it never works out well when they separate."
I have to think of it as slapping a demon instead of slapping a woman.
And to comment on my comment -- this is the same type of compartmentalization I developed for Buffy, watching her get thrown across the screen by various large males every week. The only one that really, really bothered me was the John Ritter episode.
Wow, Dean didn't get any smarter.
And Dude. Sammy's a Jedi.
Samuel Winchester! You are a lying liar who lies! "Didn't go down that road," my ass!!
Y'know, that just seems like a very efficient, clean way of doing business. Less mess.
Ha! OK, that was Christie/Kathy, right? That makes the mixed-up names funny. And the, "Are you two together?" even funnier.
Y'know, that just seems like a very efficient, clean way of doing business. Less mess.
Awfully hard on the human host, though.
that was pretty badass.
new actress makes me wonder if all the PR talk about Kripke and Co loving Katie and Lauren was all a bunch of crap.